Articles by Alisha Adams

Alisha Adams

Alisha Adams is the Research and Development Lead for Appli-Tec. Her expertise includes formulating epoxy and acrylate adhesives for the electronics market.

Appli-Thane 7800 & 7810 Ideal for Dam and Fill Applications
July 8, 2024

To encapsulate a small section or component of a circuit board, a process called “dam and fill” can be used.

appli-tec-adhesive-consultants FAQ: “I Have a Difficult Adhesive Mix Ratio. Can Appli-Tec Help?”
May 31, 2023

The impact of mix ratio on adhesive performance is critical and impacts everything from cure rate to outgassing properties.

temperature-humidity How Temperature and Humidity Affect Your Adhesive Mix
May 9, 2023

Temperature and humidity greatly affect viscosity, pot life, adhesive performance, and cured properties.

25 C thermostat Room Temperature Cure vs. Oven Cure for Adhesives
June 14, 2022

The type of adhesive cure to use depends on your application, what you’re trying to achieve, and your time frame.

FAQ: “Are Appli-Tec Adhesives Solvent-Free?”
May 5, 2022

95% of our product line is solvent-free – meaning the materials aren’t flammable or have very low VOC emission.

appli-tec-pcb-syringe Tech Tip: Bonding Small Electronics to Printed Circuit Boards
November 17, 2021

Learn why bonding components to PCBs is different than metal-to-metal bonding (e.g. aluminum to aluminum).

Three Benefits of Thermally Conductive Adhesives for High Reliability Heat Sink Applications
July 1, 2021

Appli-Tec thermally conductive adhesives eliminate the three challenges associated with thermal grease and pads for heat sink applications.

comm-satelite Bonding – Staking – Potting – Encapsulation:
Choosing the Right Adhesive for Your Application
May 6, 2021

The key difference between potting and encapsulation explained.

appli-tec-7300-pcb Choosing Thermally Conductive Adhesives for Heat Sink Applications
May 5, 2021

Solve challenges with heat sink applications that thermal conductive pads can’t handle.

Testing lap shear in the Appli-Tec QC lab. What’s Appli-Tec’s procedure for testing lap shear?
August 10, 2020

Testing an adhesive’s lap shear is important because it allows for a strength comparison between different adhesive materials on a known substrate.

Ultra low temperature freezer fridge for specimens storage in laboratory testing in medical hospital or pharma business with blur lab background. Shelf Life Considerations FAQ
May 14, 2020

My Adhesive Material Seems Thicker Than Normal. What’s the Problem?

image-two-part-adhesives What are the advantages and disadvantages of Epoxy, Polyurethane, and Silicone Adhesives?
November 27, 2019

The choice of which chemistry to use is based on the application requirements.