With continued innovations, Appli-Tec can “weather” a two-week power outage — ensuring on-time delivery of PMF adhesive materials.
Appli-Tec now offers stocked parts for our most frequently ordered adhesive formulations.
New 5340 Epoxy – Conveniently packaged in 1:1 dual cartridges for easy mixing.
Appli-Tec improved several metrics, including 80% or more of shelf-life remaining for products shipped, shorter lead times, and OTD.
Appli-Tec’s 5390 Epoxy is very thermally conductive, electrically insulative, and silver-free.
CEO Tim Walsh’s thoughts on Appli-Tec’s 40th anniversary — and how the company has transformed over the last three years.
Launched in 2012, Appli-Thane® 7300 has become our most requested product.
As part of our People, Planet, Prosperity vision, we held an internal food drive fundraiser.
One of the most complex spacecraft ever made, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope will allow scientists to break new ground.
Appli-Tec installs a 3,000 gallon liquid nitrogen tank to reduce waste and weather prolonged power outages.
Appli-Tec is now your one-source supplier for potting and encapsulation of micro-electronic assemblies.
A manufacturer outsourced its adhesive mixing and as a result, reduced contamination and risk while improving productivity.