Appli-Tec provides defect-free adhesives, urethanes and epoxies that meet the following specifications.
- Hacthane
- 230-123-008
- 230-123-017
- 230-123-086
- 230-123-171
- 230-123-242
- 230-123-255
- 230-123-902
- 000-804-842
- AMS 2518
- AMS 3755
- AMS-S-8802
- BASF DDI 1410
- CAS 68239-06-5
- DCC 171
- DOD-A-82720
- HMS 16-1720
- HMS 16-1847
- HMS 16-1905
- HMS 16-1985
- HMS 16-2132
- HMS 16-2148
- HMS 20-1276
- HMS 20-1776
- HMS 20-1896
- HMS 20-1898
- HMS-20-2172
- HMS 2196
- HMS 2240
- HMS 2289
- HMS 2353
- HP 16-25
- HP 16-87
- HP 16-103
- HP 16-128
- HP 16-165
- MIL-A-46146
- MIL-I-16923
- MIL-I-46058C
- MIL-M-24041
- MIL-PRF-8516
- MIS-22657
- MIS-28984
- MIS-34356
- MIS-47044
- MMM-A-132
- MMM-A-134
Existing Applications
I need to reorder an existing part number, I have a BOM/Spec.
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